04 May 2010

Epic Change Launches "To Mama With Love"

My friends Stacey and Sanjay at Epic Change have done it again! They've come up with a clever new viral awareness and fundraising campaign to support one of their favorite causes, Mama Lucy Kamptioni and her quest to build a home for children in her village in Tanzania.

Although you may not have heard their name, Epic Change was the force behind "Tweetsgiving," the Twitter-based campaign where participants sent a tweet of thankfulness that generated funding for Mama Lucy's school in Arusha, Tanzania, that now serves over 400 children.

With this new campaign, Epic Change is putting a new spin on Mother's Day.

They've just launched "To Mama With Love," a campaign to honor moms across the globe -- including mine -- and raise funds for one remarkable mama to change the world.

Epic Change hopes to raise $50,000 in just on week -- the campaign runs from May 3 - May 9, 2010 -- to fund a home for 50 children in Arusha, Tanzania.

How can you participate? It's easy. Show your mama you love her by creating a virtual scrapbook or "heartspace" on ToMamaWithLove.org site, including photos, videos, notes, and artwork and make a donation in her honor. (You can even send her a customized ecard with a link to her heartspace.)

In addition, Organic Beauty Now of San Francisco will donate $1 for every tweet (up to 2,000) that mentions #ToMamaWithLove to fund room for two students at the boarding facility.

So what are you waiting for? Show some love for your Mama!

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