Whether you've been with me for ten years (and please do let me know if you have) or recently came across my blog for the first time I want to say
Hard to believe I've been doing this -- albeit, not very much recently -- for 10 years.
So much has changed in those ten years, not only in my life, but in the world in which we live.
On 24 November 2004, I announced this blog with the following intentions: "to create a web voice that is at once environmentally concerned, while remaining skeptical about our methods of communication and action. My blog will explore current environmental issues in a pragmatic fashion, debunking environmental myths, while supporting market-based solutions that compliment actions taken both locally and globally." I certainly think I've lived up to that intention over the past ten years, both here and in my three year stint as a commentator on Fox Business with Varney & Co. While I've slacked off a bit on the number of posts in recent years -- only that first year has fewer posts than the current one -- the need for such a voice is ever more relevant and necessary today.
As I wrote on the occasion of the 5th Anniversary of The Green Skeptic,
"People often ask me why I'm skeptical and what I'm skeptical about.
"Well, the answer is, I believe that skepticism is a hallmark of human nature. Without it, we are sheep. "I think we need to constantly challenge our assumptions about the way the world works or how others tell us it works. We must question even what our leaders tell us, regardless of what side of the aisle their derriere rests upon or what side of the issue they claim to represent."
As I mark our tenth anniversary, I will keep in mind the words I wrote on our seventh year together:
"I want to thank you again for reading. I hope to keep up my end of the bargain moving forward with good, informed writing about the issues, a healthy skepticism about both hyperbole and hysteria and, most of all, a respect for you, my readers."Thank you again for reading and happy anniversary!