10 September 2010

Green Skeptic Friday LinkFest - 09/10/10

Don't mess with the bear.
A short week and a short list for today's Green Skeptic LinkFest.

Fisrt up, Alex Taussig of Highland Capital Partners had an excellent post on his Infinite to Venture blog, which was picked up by GigaOm's Earth2Tech. A must read: "Dear Pundits: Energy Policy Needs an ROI."

Chris Dixon of hunch took some shots at VCs with his excellent post "Things I'd do if I ran a big VC firm."

It was China week here at The Green Skeptic, and first and foremost is David Sandalow of the Department of Energy blogging on Whitehouse.gov on U.S./ China cooperation energy research.

And I weighed in on the Cleantech Group's new report on "Cleantech Innovation in China."

Finally, if you missed Howard Lindzon's fun and informative series of interviews on "The Web is Dead" on StockTwits.tv, you need to go watch them NOW: The Web is Dead.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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