23 July 2007

Global Climate Change: TNC's Bill Stanley in "Plenty"

My Nature Conservancy buddy Bill Stanley is one of the smartest climate guys I know. Now he's been featured in Plenty magazine (love their tag line: "It's Easy Being Green") in an interview following on his recent bicycle trip across Montana, a kind of working vacation that allowed Bill to take the climate change pulse of real people.

Along the way, he explains why the Conservancy is focused on climate change and what they are doing about it.

And, while you're at it, check out the Conservancy's Climate Change calculator, recently featured on NBC's Today Show.

Read the interview: Plenty of Bill

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scott, glad to see you noticed and I know that you care. I hope your readers like the interview. Of course my brother couldn't get past the comment about donning spandex! I see you moderate this...good.